Ticketing - AO | Polo Ralph Lauren


All Ralph Lauren guests will need to download the Ticketmaster app and create an account to access your Australian Open tickets. You will be admitted to the event via mobile entry, which means that your Australian Open ticket can be accessed on your phone.

To Allocate Tickets

  • Sign-in to your Australian Open experiences account, select the tickets you want to forward and click the ‘Forward’ button, enter each recipient’s details and hit ‘Send’.
  • Each recipient will receive an email and must have a Ticketmaster Australian Open Experiences account to access their tickets.
  • The forwarding process is complete once the recipient has clicked ‘Accept Tickets’.
  • If plans change and you need to forward it onto someone else, just follow the process again.
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To Accept Tickets

  • To access and download their ticket, guests will need to accept the Ticket Forwarding email and login or create a free Australian Open Experiences account.
  • Once signed in, the tickets can be accepted and downloaded onto your mobile phone.
  • All guests who are attending AO23 will need to have their own ticket on their mobile phone.

For more information, please refer to our Guest Ticketing Guide.